Gun Mage (Prestige Class)
Magic Bullet ideas, Orginal and cribbed from Zen Archer
Yeah, His last attack has been an always miss attack. And I dropped to 4 attacks when I ran out of 5th level infusions. --Pilitus 17:34, 20 September 2007 (EDT)
- Sniper's focus
- As a swift action, you may expend an infusion to give you crystal clear focus. For the duration of one attack or full attack action, you gain an enhancement bonus to your gun's threat range equal the level of the infusion expended. Alternatively, you may expend an infusion as a free action to gain a bonus to a single confirmation role equal to twice the level of the infusion. You may not use both aspects of this ability in the same round.
- Spell-breaker Bullet
- As a swift action, you can expend an infusion slot to make a bullet shear through magical effects and illusions. For the duration of one attack or full attack action, you may modify up to one attack per level of the infusion expended. When this attack hits, it functions as a targeted greater dispel magic on the struck creature and attempts to dispel all effects on the creature. Alternately, this shot can be aimed at a creature cloaked in illusions to defeat them. As long as you know the 5-foot square your target is in, this shot hits, deals no damage, and dispels all illusions of less then 1/2 your caster level.
- Perfect Shot
- As a swift action, you can expend an infusion slot to make a bullet strike true, no matter the distance to the target. For the duration of one attack or full attack action, you may modify up to one attack per level of the infusion expended. These attacks suffer no range penalty for the first 10 range increments, and you can shoot out to 20 range increments.
Has Hawk been obeying the rule limiting the number of attacks modified per round to the level of the infusion expended? I don't think it's possible to phase more than 5 bullets per round at this level. He may expend only one infusion per round, which affects one attack or full attack action, to a maximum of one attack per level of the infusion.
I may limit the maximum bonus granted by these abilities, but I don't think I will be limiting them to one bullet per round.
-Kenjura 16:49, 20 September 2007 (EDT)